February/March Outreach Project - Luggage of Love
Riverview is partnering with Luggage of Love in February & March. They are a local non-profit organization that delivers comfort bags to children in uncertain situations that are outside of their control. Comfort bags brought to Riverview will be distributed to foster children and children experiencing homelessness in Cowlitz County.
How to be involved:
1. Pack a comfort bag for a child. We have attached a document below that includes a shopping list for either a child's comfort bag or a diaper bag for a new baby or expecting mother.
2. Donate a handcrafted item based on your skill-set or hobby. If you sew, Luggage of Love always needs pillowcases for pillows and blankets. If you knit - consider making scarves or hats. If you paper craft or take photos - each bag is in need of an encouraging card, gift tag, and bookmark. If you do woodworking, there are some cute, DIY game boards you could make- tic,tac,toe, checkers, mancala, etc. These thoughtful items can be donated separate from bags and Luggage of Love workers can put them into gift bags that are pieced together from individually donated items.
1. Pack a comfort bag for a child. We have attached a document below that includes a shopping list for either a child's comfort bag or a diaper bag for a new baby or expecting mother.
2. Donate a handcrafted item based on your skill-set or hobby. If you sew, Luggage of Love always needs pillowcases for pillows and blankets. If you knit - consider making scarves or hats. If you paper craft or take photos - each bag is in need of an encouraging card, gift tag, and bookmark. If you do woodworking, there are some cute, DIY game boards you could make- tic,tac,toe, checkers, mancala, etc. These thoughtful items can be donated separate from bags and Luggage of Love workers can put them into gift bags that are pieced together from individually donated items.
Whatever you contribute, be sure to pray for the child that will be receiving your donation. Anything on the list below can be donated, donations don't need to be complete bags. Comfort bags can be pieced together from partial donations.
Please bring donations by the church on Sunday March 14th.
Please bring donations by the church on Sunday March 14th.
Past Bags (for reference)
Other organizations we partner with - ongoing or seasonally with donations, projects, and/or trips:
Kalama Helping Hand, Operation Underground Railroad, Operation Christmas Child, Restore Haiti, Compassion International, Transform Africa.
Kalama Helping Hand, Operation Underground Railroad, Operation Christmas Child, Restore Haiti, Compassion International, Transform Africa.